

The last few weeks have been.... interesting.
I guess you could say it's been very obvious that we are the in middle of the semester.
School work piles up like a little boy's socks in the laundry basket...
Speaking of little boys... working lots of extra hours has left little time and energy to be productive. Needless to say, I am tired. Very tired. But, through it all, I've found little ways to bring light in and I want to share a little of that with you. Here are some things I steal away to do in the midst of the dirty-socks-school-work-laundry-load...

{take pictures of my favorite calendar when light shines on it}

{typewrite my homework assignments}

{listen to Seven Swans when it's rainy outside}

{My little sister is going to be a nurse and she has a lot more homework than I do,
i like to make her little gifts to carry her through the week}

{stitch little felt hearts for my little girls}